Today I will talk about my best friend. Her name is Francisca and I have known her since 2009. We met at school and soon became friends, we both had many common themes, such as politics, arts and music. I remember that we met at home frequently to paint, and we also talked a lot about music since at that time we both listened to The Beatles, Guns N' Roses, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Led Zeppelin. She was always good at singing and playing the guitar. By the time I left school, and I entered the university in Santiago, we began to see us much more because she was already living here with her mother. Here we visited museums, parks and went to many concert outdoor. For my second year in Santiago we to live together, she went to study musical interpretation in the center and I studied near her in this moment. It was a great year, we really enjoyed our time together because we know each other very well and share interests, plus we adopted a kitten. We stopped living together because she switched to studying musical composition at another university, but we continue to see each other very often.
When talking about walks, it's really hard to choose just one place. However, I think one of my favorite walks in life is taking the road to the Andes, from San Fabián de Alico. Every summer and winters, when I travel to my family in San Carlos, I have the opportunity to take a bus in front of my house to San Fabian de Alico, and from there walk its hills, visit the river for the day or even camping for a few days at the campsites. Last time at the end of February, I traveled with my family, and a friend from Santiago with her baby Luna and her boyfriend, we visited the Ñuble river and we promised to return to enjoy the river with the little Luna when she learned to walk . I really enjoy taking the road to the mountain range, it is a beautiful tour, full of hills and lots of nature. Unfortunately, a few years ago began the construction of a damming, the Punilla damming, and the place changed to a lot, the water of the river is darker, ist have less nature and there are more tour ...
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