Hello everyone! How difficult it is to think about the future, and the truth is that after the alarming announcements that humanity's life on earth is about to be extinguished by the extraction and misuse of its natural resources at the hand of man , Today my pronostic is alarming. However, if I had been asked this question a couple of years ago, my answer would be that I would like to live in southern Chile in a small house away from the city and on the way to the mountain range, I see myself working as a geographer and perhaps researching urbanism and den sification of the cities, I would like to be living with my boyfriend and my beautiful kitten Anika. I still don't decide if I want to have kids someday. In addition, I would like to have an art workshop in my future home, where I can paint paintings and make different crafts, I have always liked the idea of spending my free time in a space just for me and my projects. On the world, I hope that the current climate crisis will reverse, and that humanity will become ever more aware of its impacts on earth. That's why I recycle all those waste that I take use of and try to take care of the resources that are within my reach such as light and water. The future and reversing the fate of the earth and humanity is in our hands.
Hello! Today I will tell you about a family meal that I remember very fondly. This meal was two years ago in Chillan at the home of a family friend, we were a great group. We met my family and another great family of friends, they all lived in exile in Hungary, it was a way to rediscover and remember those times. We celebrated that after several years without seeing each other, we were the grandmothers, the parents, the children and grandchildren. There was an enormous amount of food. They cooked an exquisite Goulash, a typical Hungarian food that has many hours of cooking in a garn olla, is a stew of meat, potato, carrot, onion ... and of course, paprika! (pimenton). We also drank Pálinka, the hot water typical of Hungary, very strong and with a cherry flavour. Everything was very delicious and transported them to their past! It was really fun and emotional, in the afternoon we had fun playing in the pool and in the night , after lunch, we got together to talk about our li...
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