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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019

Muralist Artist

I would like to work like a muralist artist. It's my dream!! I thing that is my ideal job, because only need paint and brush. Besides I have talent to muralism and the art of painting. Five years ago I work whit the Ramona Parra Brigade, a historic brigade of chilean muralism that born in dictatorship, his name is in honor of Ramona Parra, heroine in a protest against dictator. Always was I like paint, when I a little girl, loved painted with my family, friends and I alone. I learned to paint with a lot of materials and technique, my favorite material was acrylic paint and my inspiration was Frida Kahlo. In the school, my teacher worked with us all the semester about muralism, in this place I painted my first mural and he taught us about the important of muralism in Latin America, in this moment I started studying about Diego Rivera and David Siqueiros, greats artists of muralism in Mexico. I still have hope to be a muralist and travel around the world painting walls.

Hey Arnold!

Hello everybody! Today I am goig to speak you about a tv program I watch as a child. Generally I didn’t watch much tv, but one program I liked to watch was Hey Arnold! This was a very popular cartoon in the 90´and early 2000’s. This program is about a boy, Arnold. He’s a nine years old boy that lives in a neightborhood from Ney York City with his grandparents. He has a lot of friends, and together they live every kind of adventures. During all their chidhood, Arnold, his Friends, family, neightborhood, learn about honesty, friendchip, kindness and other fundamental values for life. I remember I watch it on Saturdays after lunch with my mom and aunt, it is a really funny and familiar program so we laught a lot.

Definitely read!

My favourite hobby is reading a books, I can to for a lot of hours our for minutes, but allways I have a book in my bag. I do for a long time, but sometimes is involves leave others works and responsabilities. I reading always and any place because also need a book and time. At present I read books about feminism, urbanism and novels of mystery, I loving it start a book because it's how begin a new adventure and new learning. Sometimes I prefer reading to good book tham studying, but not always I can not. Its very sad. My favourite moment of the day is when I can read quiet and whit a cup of tea or coffee. Soon I celebrate my birthday and I hope that all my friends and family giving to my a lot of books, only I need a new bookcase for my new collection jiji